The Lowrance HDS-5 stays here when it's not in use.
 The vhs underneath it was put there by the PO. Eventually I plan on upgrading. When I do, it'll probably go over the galley.
  The speakers, have extra wire, so I can mount them out on the deck. It really sounds good with them out there!
  The orange whistle is legal, I think, but is getting replaced soon too.

The Lowrance HDS-5 stays here when it's not in use. The vhs underneath it was put there by the PO. Eventually I plan on upgrading. When I do, it'll probably go over the galley. The speakers, have extra wire, so I can mount them out on the deck. It really sounds good with them out there! The orange whistle is legal, I think, but is getting replaced soon too.

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My 26S "Windswept"
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