Star Toe Rail 4
Here I had to dig the old caulk or what ever someone put in there out. This was a PITA to do too. Hours of labor digging it out. This was not a good fix either. So I wouldn't recomend this. Take the time and do it right so you won't have to do what I had to do. When you see your fiberglass cracks get on them before they take on water. Winter time just makes thing crack more.
Sail Saver

Star Toe Rail 4 Here I had to dig the old caulk or what ever someone put in there out. This was a PITA to do too. Hours of labor digging it out. This was not a good fix either. So I wouldn't recomend this. Take the time and do it right so you won't have to do what I had to do. When you see your fiberglass cracks get on them before they take on water. Winter time just makes thing crack more.

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Toe Rail Repair
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Sail Saver
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