Port propane storage tube

Port propane storage tube

Neat idea on the tanks Gregg. Is that a small electric trolling motor I see on the stubby end ? makes sense - light, reliable, relatively cheap compared to a gas powered unit, cost efficient, and QUIET. What size is it ? Do you have it hooked up to a separate battery ? How's the steerage with a bit of wind blowing ? I DO like that !!
It's a 34 lb thrust, not big enough to fight 15 knot wind unless all sails are down and the keel is up too. I would love to have one of those Torqueedos with Lithium rechargeable batteries but they are between $2-4k depending on the size you get. But you're right, no fumes and no noise.
I've heard of those little propane bottles leaking and it's heavy gas that sinks into the bilges, this keeps the gas from inside the vessel. I've drilled one hole in the bottom cap (which is glued and the top cap is free to come off) incase water gets inside there it does sit and rust the bottom cannister and if any gas leaks out of the bottle, it can escape the bottom hole.

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Upgrade - Propane Tank Storage
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