Our Pearson Lark.
I formed a rear step platform out of fiberglass that extended
the hull 18 inch's. It reduced the drag alot. Now the only wake behind the boat is just a little swirrel on top the water.
I also glassed in the outboard underneath because the hole provided for the motor was about a foot square and the water would scoop up into the motor compartment and cause alot of drag. Those 2 things made this boat sail much better and added speed. There's no gurgleing sound from the water slipping off the hull now, just silence.

Our Pearson Lark. I formed a rear step platform out of fiberglass that extended the hull 18 inch's. It reduced the drag alot. Now the only wake behind the boat is just a little swirrel on top the water. I also glassed in the outboard underneath because the hole provided for the motor was about a foot square and the water would scoop up into the motor compartment and cause alot of drag. Those 2 things made this boat sail much better and added speed. There's no gurgleing sound from the water slipping off the hull now, just silence.

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Pearson Lark 1966 #17 Emerald Dragon
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Lark # 17 owner
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