DSC00924  I never had much luck with tarps until I came up with this method of securing the tarp. A picture is worth a 1000 words so check it out.
The tarp is first draped over the mast with the ends even on all sides.  I folded the tarp over the tabernacle an tied a clove hitch with a couple of half hitches.  Whatever excess I had left in my 3/8" sling, I went around the mast and tied a square knot to secure it.  
Where the two front flaps hang down, I took a piece of strapping and used it to roll the flaps on.  I used a carpenter's spring clamp to secure it.

DSC00924 I never had much luck with tarps until I came up with this method of securing the tarp. A picture is worth a 1000 words so check it out. The tarp is first draped over the mast with the ends even on all sides. I folded the tarp over the tabernacle an tied a clove hitch with a couple of half hitches. Whatever excess I had left in my 3/8" sling, I went around the mast and tied a square knot to secure it. Where the two front flaps hang down, I took a piece of strapping and used it to roll the flaps on. I used a carpenter's spring clamp to secure it.

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