DSC00741 Here's what she looks like sitting on the trailer.  I think the tongue weight is about 110 lbs.
When I first bought the boat trailer, I brought it home and installed the sandwiched planks.   Then I took two of my SB-3 Brownell's Boatyard stands with me, along with my bathroom scale.  I had two jacks in my pickup truck to uses also.
I don't think I even bothered messing with the two short bunks under the bow until I got my boat home on this trailer.  The main bunks are the important ones that need to be set up.  The bunks under the bow could be set up later on after I had the boat on the trailer.

DSC00741 Here's what she looks like sitting on the trailer. I think the tongue weight is about 110 lbs. When I first bought the boat trailer, I brought it home and installed the sandwiched planks. Then I took two of my SB-3 Brownell's Boatyard stands with me, along with my bathroom scale. I had two jacks in my pickup truck to uses also. I don't think I even bothered messing with the two short bunks under the bow until I got my boat home on this trailer. The main bunks are the important ones that need to be set up. The bunks under the bow could be set up later on after I had the boat on the trailer.

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Setting up the trailer for this boat:
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