DS 1 The long wooden blocks sit squarely on the uprights and provide a strong solid base for the step. 
Question:  Why have a detachable step in the cabin?
Answer:  The area behind this step was designed for storage of a 48 qt cooler but in order to get it in this area, I had to remove the cushions on the Starboard side and slide the cooler in behind the step.
Now, I only have to remove the step and lift my 50 qt cooler over the uprights and put the step back in place.

DS 1 The long wooden blocks sit squarely on the uprights and provide a strong solid base for the step. Question: Why have a detachable step in the cabin? Answer: The area behind this step was designed for storage of a 48 qt cooler but in order to get it in this area, I had to remove the cushions on the Starboard side and slide the cooler in behind the step. Now, I only have to remove the step and lift my 50 qt cooler over the uprights and put the step back in place.

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Detachable companionway step in the cabin
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