The Launch - I need a trailer extender to keep my Jeep tires out of the water.

The Launch - I need a trailer extender to keep my Jeep tires out of the water.

G'day Gregg. Great 1st dip pics ! I have a question - is that a plexiglass hatch I see on your old style ? I like that nad had been wondering if any of the stock hatches on CD would work. Lets in light and looks nicer than the units that came with the boat. Do you have any information on that - model number, vendor, etc. If you hand-crafted it any templates or hints to get one made ? Cheers, Milton
Hey Milton,

No, that's not plexiglass, its the standard hatch that the PO put teak strips on it, there's a thousand screw holes in the underneath side of the hatch cover. I had planned when getting a sailboat to put a solar vent on the hatch cover but that's no longer an option without replacing the hatch. If you decide to get a plexiglass hatch cover, let me know what u wanna do about your old one.

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First Splash - Sea Trials
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