Aluminum plates 3/16" x 11-1/4" wide (at the bottom) x 18" high, cut with an electric hand jig saw in about 20 minutes. Used cut off material to make bracket for push down rod. A bolt in lower section holds a steel cable running back between plates up through pintle brackets (changed to 1/4" line above water line) to pulley under tiller, forward to self releasing clam cleat also under side of tiller.

Aluminum plates 3/16" x 11-1/4" wide (at the bottom) x 18" high, cut with an electric hand jig saw in about 20 minutes. Used cut off material to make bracket for push down rod. A bolt in lower section holds a steel cable running back between plates up through pintle brackets (changed to 1/4" line above water line) to pulley under tiller, forward to self releasing clam cleat also under side of tiller.

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2013 Mod's Rudder From Stock To Kick-up
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LG Electronics, Inc. LG RUMOR TOUCH
File size
472.1 KB
Date taken
Sat, 21 September 2013 11:13 AM
600px x 800px

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