sophias wanderings

My Boat - This year's project

Update... Here is a picture of the Sophie Girl - named after our 110 lb puppy... It was a pick-up at an auction and found as I got into it that the boat was water logged... Ended up rebuilding her and reinforcing the keel. Thought that it just needed a really good cleaning and a refit on the head.

List of new refit activities and projects
1. Replaced all seacock flow-through valves
2. Replaced all hoses - fresh water and waste
3. Removed old waste water and fresh water tanks (how they got them in in the first place is a mystery like where do socks go in the dryer)
4. Replaced keel bolts and reinforce and glass the keel.
5. Installing an electric dehumidifier and heater to help dry her out.
6. Replacing electric DC lighting with antique (repros) oil lamps (Vermont lamp - great prices 1/3 of West Marine pricing)
7. Reinforcing and reglassingrudder post
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