371191 R1 24 25A

371191 R1 24 25A

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371191 R1 21 22A

371191 R1 21 22A

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waiting to launch

waiting to launch

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rudder repair

rudder repair

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Coronado 30

the coronado 30 named Pretty Lucky is my first big boat. I had a Coronado 27, and there is a huge diffrence in the two. on the first voyage the engine died. it was a fuel thing from ethinol..not sure how it's spelled..and I was forced to build fuel system from an out board tank a fuel line and some spare fittings I found in the spare parts. it happened at a bad time and I spent 4 days riding out a Nor'Easter in Swash channel near the York river and the bay in VA. the sail broke truck while nearly 1/2 way raised and the winds were 34kts, seas were 5+ feet. I used a 40lb. CQR and had 10feet of chin and plenty of rode. soon the weather will get better and I'll start moving south again. enjoy the pics.
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