Had a fella give me this for free. It has proven to be a lot more work that I even thought possible. So far I think I have around 300$ in it including registration and more hours than I would like to admit.
Ive done/working on
-Almost done with my sliding roof
-Sanding and cleaning up all the exterior wood/spar varnished
-Cleaned and removed mold from inside twice
-Removed wood bulkheads
-Fixed/painted keel winch
-Freed swing keel up
-Replaced the non-ss screws that the previous owner put in the mast with ss ones.
-Cleaned masthead and did some rewiring
-New fore stay
-Completely going over the rudder, it is a 2in thick piece of wood that previous owner apparently made. Im going to foil it.
-Put new lights on trailer
-Took out old wooden jack post and welded up a steel one to fit in its place.
To do:
-Get a mainsail
-Check out wiring/running lights/mast lights
-Halyards ropes/mainsheet
-Finish the rudder
-Sail the hell out of it