28 October 2002.  Lovely day spent with friends on the C&D Canal.  At Elk River we stopped and I drove the kids over to a camp using the inflatable.  First time driving an outboard skiff in about 35 years!  This is Mary (L) and Rachel (R).

28 October 2002. Lovely day spent with friends on the C&D Canal. At Elk River we stopped and I drove the kids over to a camp using the inflatable. First time driving an outboard skiff in about 35 years! This is Mary (L) and Rachel (R).

Yes, boating IS a way of life. I remember that from my childhood in south Florida. This pic make me sad that I didn't have time or money (well, just didn't make it a priority) when my kids were growing up. Well, it's not too late - time to go buy a 1979 Hunter 30!

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Boating is a way of life.
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