25 August 2012.  Under threat of rain all week I replaced the cockpit drains one and a time, so as to always have one active.  The old ones were in the back bulkhead of the cockpit; they are patched in this picture.  I would have liked the new fittings I got to have been stainless; the brass will go green in short order.  But I may yet paint them in epoxy paint-- or just Krylon.

I found these little fittings at Ferguson Plumbing and discovered my Forespar Marelon elbows screw on very nicely-- even a little too loosely; so they're loaded up with Teflon tape.

25 August 2012. Under threat of rain all week I replaced the cockpit drains one and a time, so as to always have one active. The old ones were in the back bulkhead of the cockpit; they are patched in this picture. I would have liked the new fittings I got to have been stainless; the brass will go green in short order. But I may yet paint them in epoxy paint-- or just Krylon. I found these little fittings at Ferguson Plumbing and discovered my Forespar Marelon elbows screw on very nicely-- even a little too loosely; so they're loaded up with Teflon tape.

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