15 September 2012.  Here is the overhead locker above the quarter berth with the first of the trimmed lift-out panels installed.  All of this has to come apart again for finish paint; this is just the first one I did.  I have to have a system for getting all these bits of trim cut straight and installed square.

Notice the finger hole is at the bottom.  They're all like that-- because you lift it UP to tug the bottom edge out to remove it.

15 September 2012. Here is the overhead locker above the quarter berth with the first of the trimmed lift-out panels installed. All of this has to come apart again for finish paint; this is just the first one I did. I have to have a system for getting all these bits of trim cut straight and installed square. Notice the finger hole is at the bottom. They're all like that-- because you lift it UP to tug the bottom edge out to remove it.

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Diana 2012
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