What would you like to see in your owner's manual?

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Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
I just got a call from Eddie Breeden at Hunter asking for some input from you. They're preparing to update their owner's manuals and they're curious about what you would find useful in them. What would make them more valuable and user-friendly? The folks at Hunter will monitor this thread, so just post your ideas here as a reply. Thanks!

Steve O.


Some of the FAQ's here on this site are: How can I get in touch with Hunter for (parts, service, tech info, etc.) How long is the (mast, forestay, halyard, etc.) on my boat? How much (water, fuel, waste) does my boat hold? So, a list of contacts and detailed specs would be good.

John Richard

Think in terms of a first time user

Many of us buy new boats, or I guess any boat for that matter, as a first time user. Some, like myself hadn't been on the water for decades. Having said that, I would like a section in the manual that explicitly explains all of the major systems on the boat. This section would need to be exhaustive and explicit so a new owner doesn't get overwhelmed. Examples are: How to operate the fresh water manifold. How to clean the sea strainer. How to remove and replace the knot meter paddle. How to check the engine before use. How to empty the holding tanks. How to operate furling main sail systems. How to service the Edson steering systems. On our boat it is nearly impossible to reach the bottom grease nipple. How to check the batteries for a proper charge and fluid level. There might be others I have not thought of. And for adding electronics later, show how to pull electrical cable from the helm station to the electrical panel. Hunter has not made this easy. John Richard s/v Jack's Place ~~~__/)~~~
Mar 1, 2004
Catalina 387 Cedar Mills-Lake Texhoma

I would like to see a complete wiring schematic showing the routing of the cables plus the conections. This is for A/C and D/C. Also the same thing for the water and waste plumbing. I would like to see the routing, especially under the floor pan.


Make it readable

and cross-referenced. The manual now doesn't tell you how things are supposed to work. Don't forget to include the fridge, oven, microwave too. I don't care how they are wired, I want to know how to USE the items. A decent table of contents and a usable index would be a bonus!

Brian Hanna

A first time using walk through

An introduction and first time walk through of the new boat with a check list of items to look at, identify, and become familiar with.

Monty Miller

Ditto on the CD...

...but more importantly Hunter Marine needs to seriously consider entering the "Information Age". An FAQ area on their website would go along way to improve customer satisfaction. So many basic questions pass through this forum every week. Most times people get correct answers and sometimes they don't. Owners go to their dealers with questions and get wrong information. Even Hunter Marine staff give wrong info. Liquid Nails to reattach a mirror? Hunter owners are not the millionaire yacht owners that have staff to maintain their boats. They do most of the work themselves and need to be pointed to DIY directions. Hunter Marine needs to build an online knowledge base for its customers and dealers. We love our Hunter but getting information is a problem.


user friendly

I agree, a user-friendly owner's manual would be a real plus. The one that came with my 170 is just a bunch of diagrams - if I hadn't already had experience rigging similar boats and had to depend on the diagrams, I would have been lost. Photos walking the user through rigging, operation of roller reefing, how to reef the main, etc, along with descriptions, would be great! You could even ask the HOW membership to submit photos detailing various processes. Heck, you could even have a contest for owners of each boat model to submit sample instruction manuals, with the prize being a Hunter hat or something.



The manuals I received with the boat are pretty complete and much better than the ones I have seen from other manufacturers. What could be improved upon is a diagram that shows the actural routing of cables and hoses rather than a schematic layout. In other words if we open something up, what will we see. In addition, when options are added to the boat at the factory such as Raymarine equipment, it would be extremely helpfull to know the path and sequence of the wiring for troubleshooting. This would be the same request for other options although some drawings are included, the package is not complete. However, praise should be given for the relative completeness of the documentation that comes with a new boat.
Mar 21, 2004
Hunter 356 Cobb Island, MD
Yes to all of the above

A lot of this could take time. Imagine having to update the documenation everytime they decide to change something in the routing of some cable or hose. The revisions would need to be online for any owner to access from any year. Just think what happens with the difference of full batten main mast vs the in-mast roller furling. Agree I would be nice to have all of this at ones finger tips. But could drive a couple of people full time just insuring everything is upto date. Damn I don't even have time to keep my site update. Jim S/V Java
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
In addition to the manual...

An accordian file or 3 ring binder that includes the manual, and also the literature/manuals for every piece of equipment on the boat organized alphabetically by type of equipment--anchors, bilge pumps, heat/ac, etc...even which bottom paint ('cuz they're not all compatible with each other). 'Cuz there are trouble-shooting guides in most of 'em...but even if that "manual" is just a useless piece of sales literature, at least it provides the make/model and contact info for the mfr.
May 26, 2005
Hunter 22 anderson,sc

A picture is worth a thousand words.Some of us are not engineers.Schematics are great for the Tech,but I need a picture showing where the red wire goes.If I lift up a screw down hatch in the sole,what will I see.Give me a picture of hose system,drains,fresh water,etc. Bill

Mike Misko

Running Rigging Setup

I would like to see a standard setup of how the factory conceived the running rig to be deployed. I know that there are 2 primary mast/boom combinations on my 1986 H23 alone, so this may not be as simple as it sounds. For example, fellow owners have come up with numerous diverse ways to use the 3 lines running through our Kenyon booms plus the topping lift. I've taken this input and developed a combination that is comfortable to me, but it would be nice to see the original intent along with some text on the reasoning behind it. The designers of these wonderful boats know more than any single one of us do. They may not know more than our experienced-based collective wisdom.
Mar 20, 2004
Hunter 356 and 216 Portland, ME
manual updates

all good suggestions, but I think providing a complete set of manuals, in PDF format, on CD would be a real help-not only as a backup for the paper copy, but also so you could refer to the manuals at home-without removing your set from the boat. Like raymarine, updated/corrected manuals could be posted on Hunter's site, or emailed. I'm sure Hunter generates their documents electronically, this should not be hard to do. Including the wiring and plumbing drawings for the boat as built would also be a great help since there are lots of options and in line changes during production. Also, since Hunter does extensive performance testing, I can't believe Steve Pettengill hasn't generated polars for all the new designs-making them available would help all of us get the most out of our boats

Ian Lechmere

260 manual corrections

The 260 manual shows the side shrouds on some pages with the lowers forward of the cap (spreader) shrouds and on other pages as being reversed. I have been advised by Hunter that the lowers should go to the aft U bolt and the others to the forward U bolt The correction should be made in the manual
Dec 3, 2003
Hunter Legend 37 Portsmouth, RI
I like the CD idea.

A CD with a walk-thru would standardize the boat systems across production line/models. Being able to sit back at home and watch at my liesure would be nice to do in the winter when planning project lists. Someti=mes a dealer lacks the ability/resources to give each new owner a standardized walk-thru. This would allow that. Make all updates downloadable from the web site. Owners of olderboats would also be able to garner the knowledge and select specific topics to view online.
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