Splitting Flying Junior 14 Hull from Top Deck

Aug 24, 2018
Flying Junior Stockton
Hi all,

As popular as the FJ14 was, I can't find anyone online talking about how to separate the hull from the deck to do some fiberglass work on the deck in areas that don't really seem to have any other way to work on.

Anyone seen this done? Done it? Have any tips? My boat already has a poorly done patch by someone else on the deck, and we recently had a mast shroud break and while no one was hurt, the base of the mast moved and went through the deck fiberglass in a way that I really can't see fixing well without having good access from the back. While Im fixing both of these areas, I'd like to actually reinforce some other areas because they are one good misplaced knee or shoe away from causing problems as well.

Any experiences to share?

Thank you,
Rick from Central Valley California
Apr 26, 2015
S2 26 Mid On Trailer
FJs were built by many manufacturers and I've seen a couple of different hull to deck joints. Post a picture of yours and maybe someone will have an idea. Welcome aboard to the forum.