Some interesting 170 repairs on a Craigslist ad

Sep 5, 2018
Hunter 170 Northfield, NJ
This 170 just came up on craigslist Central NJ for $1950.

Someone did not have the factory repair manual and came up with their own. I am guessing the owner is an HVAC guy.


Aug 22, 2017
Hunter 26.5 West Palm Beach
Figure you can get back $400 for the trailer if it's in good shape, $250 for a good jib, $500 for a good main, another $400 if a running motor is included, subtract those out & that is what you would be risking if you buy it.
Apr 16, 2017
Federation NCC-1701 Riverside
New seat cushions go for $700. Thats why i use a $25 camping pad velcro'd to the bench.
Apr 16, 2017
Federation NCC-1701 Riverside
Im actually impressed with the prices people are asking for the 170. I might make out OK when i go to sell.
Sep 5, 2018
Hunter 170 Northfield, NJ
Are your repairs "factory approved"?
Yes, I am following the factory repair procedures for the cracks.

Well on the 2 long cracks I did not sand the area thinner and put a layer of epoxy and glass on top. My thoughts are to try just using epoxy in the crack (much less work) and if that does not work I can always grind out the epoxy and do it over with the glass.
For the loose plastic to foam there were no factory guidelines per se.
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Apr 16, 2017
Federation NCC-1701 Riverside
I would take this factory with as much confidence as any forum poster. I would say Shorefun is the official 170 repair expert. He posts his result publically, and has tried several techniques.

The factory didnt anticipate the 170s being repaired at all. 18 years ago there was very little way to fix or paint any plastic that worked well
Sep 5, 2018
Hunter 170 Northfield, NJ
I know you are messing with me, but oddly I am following factory procedures.

As for value of the 170 and what people ask. In the mid summer I started looking at what was available locally. A 170 with a newer Honda, a trailer, and some extra covers and sails was advertised a bit over $2000 as I recall. It stayed up for a month or so and then taken off Craigslist. I do not know if it sold, but I do remember it did not seem to have issues with cracking. Currently there is a 170 that a local couple has for sale on Craigslist. I contacted them just to ask where they sailed and if they had any recommendations. They took the same lesson at the Ocean City Sailing Foundation and bought the 170. They have a smaller child and decided they wanted something with a small cabin. I was kind of surprised as they were afraid to use the jib and only sailed on the main. They were afraid to turtle. Recently they asked if I was interested in buying just the boat so I could have a spare around. They wanted to keep the trailer. Classic case of lots of boats and many do not have registration for the trailer for the boat they were going to buy. Oh ya back to what I was getting to... They started out at like $2700 for the boat, Honda 2.3 (like a year old) and trailer. They got no action and are at $2400 now. I figure nothing is going to move now unless it is really cheap. I can see that in our local market. Spring will come around and deals will abound.
I only paid $500 for the boat and trailer both with paperwork. The guy was asking $950 and he sold it to me cheap because he knew I could fix it and I want to teach my boys (and myself) how to sail.
Sep 5, 2018
Hunter 170 Northfield, NJ
I am quick to point out I am no expert. I am a scientist at heart so experimenting and understanding the properties of stuff is in my blood. I have been known to go down roads that others have not and sometimes gotten rewarded and sometimes failed.
I read the tech sheets and try stuff. I do have some experiences in other areas that seem to cross over to the boats.

In the end the proof is in the repair down the line. Did the fix stay fixed?
I may find 3 years from now that I screwed up big time.
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Aug 22, 2017
Hunter 26.5 West Palm Beach
I for one, appreciate your posts, regardless if the results are positive or not. The information you provide will help the rest of us to make better decisions going forward.

Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
You have no idea as to what I did to repaired these boats with. My education came first from the man who started building these style boats whom I conferred with after experimenting. Why I say warm temperatures is also a major key. I kicked myself while trying to repair with a heat gun outside in my early years but in a warm building I did fine but made sure I had a good venting system

I only pass on what worked and and did not work for me. There may be new materials out there which I appreciate those using and reporting back
As for private messages, I ask everyone to report back thus eliminating my time as I help many others. However private message I do not share as there is other confidential info in them that are private as I respect the anonymity of those who do send messages.