Keeping the juices flowing


Feb 21, 2009
Catalina 30 San Diego/ Dana Point, Ca.
I receive regular emails from WD Shock and always find them well written and interesting at the very least. This one is extraordinary for so many reasons.

Being December, some reading this can't get on the water due to the weather. Others would never enter a race like this anyway, but what a great way to spend 38 minutes being there at Lake Dillon with them. I have been out of racing for about a year and it's killing me. Watching this hurts. I need to get back on a team that inspires and thrills me again.

This video perfectly captures how addictive and exhilarating racing is and how hilarious and down to earth racers generally are. I love this video from the very beginning interviews, measuring and dealing with discrepancies with grace..... to the crazy racing and ending comments... all the while keeping their humor and humble demeanor.
At least one of the links below will get you there. After that, you're on your own. Enjoy!