1978 C30 Atomic 4 Engine controls/cables

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Nov 23, 2004
- - Texas
Does anyone know the type of cables (33/3300, 6400, etc...) used on a 1978 C30 Atomic 4 throttle/clutch There are no identifying marks. Also will one of the single lever/dual action engine controls from Teleflex like the CH2100 work? http://www.teleflexmorse.com/scripts/PDF/ch2100.pdf Thanks again.


not sure

Hi steve, I'm running into the same problem with this. My shift cable is seized and what I have found from forums is there is no replacement for them. Alot of people have either taken it apart and got the cable working or had to have one specially made. Maybe someone else will know better but this is what I have found from my research.
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