Spring refit done, time to go sailing ⛵️

Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Awesome! and that looks awfully familiar -- beercan Wednesday's with spinnaker sailing is in your future (assuming they are still there). Sad to see my old stomping grounds (Pete's marina) swallowed up.
Aug 15, 2022
Catalina 22 14790 Redwood City, CA
Awesome! and that looks awfully familiar -- beercan Wednesday's with spinnaker sailing is in your future (assuming they are still there). Sad to see my old stomping grounds (Pete's marina) swallowed up.
Yes indeed. Petes is long gone but im next-door to Redwood City marina. I used to race Wednesdays over there with one of my older boats(Ericson 32) and it was a lot of fun. Enjoying more of the cruising style these days. Cheers
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Aug 15, 2022
Catalina 22 14790 Redwood City, CA
Ocean South had these premade grey ones that worked for me. 71" long, 15" wide, 2 1/2 thick. When I put one as a backrest it makes the total width 17 1/2. They are nice cushions at an affordable price.
Aug 15, 2022
Catalina 22 14790 Redwood City, CA
I like that cooler! How many quarts is it? Does it fit as well as it appears?
Fit pretty much perfect. 35 quart (white) and one corner is a bottle opener :waycool:. I transferred the wood top off the original Coleman right onto it. I got the 30 quart(blue one) as well and it fits dead nuts in the cockpit all they way up to the companionway. I take it out sometimes as needed but I can leave it in and step over it easy enough. Both seem to hold ice for a long time similar to a yeti. The Coleman one was trash. I put it by the marina dumpster and nobody took it lol