Cleaning up a cast iron keel

Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
A friend of mine in our sailing club wants to go in on renting the sand blasting equipment for a day. Any idea how long it takes to blast a shallow draft keel? We would both need time to get it primed before they start to oxidize again. We'll be doing it in early Spring so the temps stay high enough to let the primer cure
Mar 1, 2012
1961 Rhodes Meridian 25 Texas coast
I've used Coal Tar epoxy on my cast iron keels for years now. Wouldn't dream of doing anything else. Coal Tar, Interprotect 2000E, then bottom paint.

I usually get 3 years out of a bottom job, but then we have 3 storm drains that dump into the marina, so not a lot of barnacles
Nov 9, 2012
Oday 192 Lake Nockamixon
A friend of mine in our sailing club wants to go in on renting the sand blasting equipment for a day. Any idea how long it takes to blast a shallow draft keel? We would both need time to get it primed before they start to oxidize again. We'll be doing it in early Spring so the temps stay high enough to let the primer cure
The first coat of Ospho Phosphoric acid will take care of that. Reacts with iron oxide to form iron phosphate, much more inert.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Another question about getting this done in the Spring. Temps won't stay in the 50's until May around here. That's the minimum for a good epoxy cure. If I wanted to get started earlier, how can I protect a sandblasted keel? Can I apply Ospho or zinc chromate sooner and let it set until it gets warmer? Is that too long?
I really want to splash her in May!


Mar 16, 2010
Beneteau 411 Oceanis Annapolis
You can do a bunch of the prep (digging out spalled rust spots, loose coating, wire brushing) a head of time ospho coat, then start early the day of epoxy, wire brush those spots again, paint them with Ospho, give it time to dry and then start with epoxy. It just takes longer to set up. If you use Interprotect there is a pretty liberal recoat schedule that would allow you to pick up again the next day.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I think I want to strip the bottom coat off before I get started to reduce the airborne mess. Is there a chemical stripper that works better on Hydrocoat? There's a red layer underneath the top layer so I assume it's comparable. Thanks!
Weather is getting better. I'm anxious to get this done!
Jan 27, 2008
ODay 35 Beaufort, NC
Get a roll of cheap plastic and tape it to your hull to encapsulate your work area, put tarps on the ground and use rocks or boards to hold the bottom of the plastic down. Then you can work inside the plastic enclosure and contain any pollutant dust. You can also use a space heater inside to keep the temp over 50 degrees so you can use epoxy on the keel. I sandblasted a house one day and did two sides of the house in one day. You should be able to sand blast a keel in about an hour. Tape off the keel joint and above it with a lot of hard rubber and duct tape, you don't want to hit the glass area of your boat, sand blasting will drill a hole right through it. Another option to try instead of sand blasting is using a belt sander. I stripped my keel on my 35 (lead keel) with a belt sander and sealed it with epoxy. Only took maybe half a day to sand the keel to bare lead. I did each side separately so the lead was not exposed to atmosphere for any length of time before coating with epoxy. If you have deep pits in your iron sandblasting is the way to go, the belt sander will strip paint and epoxy but won't take much metal or reach into pitted areas like sandblasting will.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
1 hour?! Dang, you got me thinking it's worth the $400 to rent the equipment! I was hoping to find someone interested in splitting the cost.
Jan 27, 2008
ODay 35 Beaufort, NC
On top of renting the equipment you also have to buy sand. Sand blasting is very aggressive, it goes quick. On wood shingles I couldn't dwell at all or it would drill a hole in the wood. You will spend a lot more time setting up the equipment, getting the compressor running, putting on safety gear, filling the hopper with sand, taking it all down and cleaning up afterwards. The actual sandblasting time will be very short. You do not have much surface area and paint will blast off very fast. You can buy a lot of belt sander belts or sanding discs for 400 bucks along with the sanders.
Jan 27, 2008
ODay 35 Beaufort, NC
Hey, you can BUY a sandblaster rig for only 129 bucks at Harbor Freight or on amazon and just rent a compressor to run it. Should be a lot cheaper than 400 bucks.
A compressor is another 129.00 bucks on amazon
A few 5 dollar bags of sand and a safety hood and respirator and you'll have cash left over. For the cost of renting it you could toss the whole mess in the dump when you are done and still have cash in your pocket. Or you could start a business blasting keels for all your buddies at the marina.
Dec 28, 2016
Hunter 34 MiddleR
I just had the iron keel on my Hunter 34 soda blasted. It must be done correctly, so I let the marina do it. After blasting it, they immediately applied two coats of Petit Rust Lock epoxy. Then they dug out the void between the keel and the hull and filled/faired it. It's a big job; cost me close to a thousand.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Ground (grinded?) my keel Saturday down to bare metal. What a miserable job. I'm glad I had my protective gear on! I'll have to clean it up once more by the time I get to coating it. The starboard side, which had the most rust, appeared to have some red paint under the black Hydrocoat. That's all as far as I could tell. The port side had much less rust. From top layer to bottom was black Hydrocoat, the red paint, a grey layer of something and then a white layer. It was much harder, longer to clean the port side than the stbd side. Probably twice as long.
Dec 1, 1999
Hunter 28.5 Chesapeake Bay
If you search this site for "cast iron keel" you'll get enough reading material and advice to keep you busy until next year....

In the case of my cast iron keel, I like to keep maintenance simple: (1)sand as much as possible. (2) clean up dust with acetone. (3) apply a couple of coats of Interlux Primocon or the Petit Rustlok you mention - it hardly matters which one. (4) bottom paint with Hydrocoat and, most importantly, get the boat into the water and go sailing. Unless you are an OCD-type racer, I would not go to all the trouble/cost involved with sandblasting, rushing to get a barrier on before surface rust reappears, and trying to get a perfectly faired keel. Go for good enough and sail more....
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I hear ya' Warren! Every person has the "best" way to do it and says all others are wrong. The worse part is over. I will seal it, paint it and go sailing! We're in fresh water, if you can call a watershed reservoir fresh, and I haul out every Fall.
Apr 27, 2010
Hunter 23 Lake Wallenpaupack
The grey layer might have been POR15, which is what I used on my 23 iron keel. It looks sort of like grey porcelain (hard and shiny) after you apply it.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
The grey layer might have been POR15, which is what I used on my 23 iron keel. It looks sort of like grey porcelain (hard and shiny) after you apply it.
What do you think the white layer was underneath it? I plan to use POR15 but it is supposed to go right on the metal after the Metal Prep


Mar 16, 2010
Beneteau 411 Oceanis Annapolis
Do yourself a favor and contact the guys at POR15, tell them you intend to coat the cast iron keel of your sailboat and need their endorsement of that application. The company recommendation for use of POR15 on underwater metals disappeared years ago ....but linger on in the intertoobs. The number one reason people bad-mouth iron keels is because they do not properly maintain them.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Thanks Gunni. I spoke to them directly before making the decision. They said 3 coats would do the trick. I even asked if I should layer that with something like Interprotect and they said no. I just need to follow instructions; I'll use their degreaser and Metal Prep first. Then apply my anti-fouling paint. POR15 degrades when exposed to UV.