Help with stuffing box

May 1, 2016
Catalina 30 Lake Champlain
I everybody, first excuse my fault and my english , I'm a french speaker. I'm a new Catalina 30 owner since 2 years.I need help from catalina owners because I have to change my cutlass bearing. I know I don't have to pull out my shaft to do this except with and home made or stutpro tools. The last owner change the engine for a Universal M-25 who is little bigger than the original one.
See those picture..View media item 25439The nut is completly free ans it's not possible to change the packing
View media item 25440View media item 25441And now you see just over the yellow arrow, this kind of lock pin (who I think it prevent the shaft to slide out of the coupling) that I can remove from there because there's not enough room to put it out.
Is it possible that they put the stuffing box and the coupling on the shaft before they install the engine at is place?

Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
For some reason, I get an error when trying to view your photos. I am logged in to the forum, so not sure what the problem is.

Curious if others can see them.

Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
You have to use the "upload a file" button next to the "post reply" button for us to see the photos.
Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
Well you have correctly identified the problem. The lock is called a key way and it keeps the shaft from spinning on the coupling. I'm thinking that when the PO re-powered the boat and this is one of the compromises.
They most certainly installed the stuffing box and shaft before they installed the engine but they would have had to move the shaft aft to allow the install of the coupling. The pic would suggest that you only have to pull the shaft aft a few cm to get the clearance needed to remove the coupling and then the packing nut for a packing replacement. since you are out of the water this should be relatively ease.
May 1, 2016
Catalina 30 Lake Champlain
The pic would suggest that you only have to pull the shaft aft a few cm
It's what I want to do, but I cannot put out this key because I don't have enough place so I can't move out the shaft. In this position ( see the image) the coupling is completly free from the shaft, I can move it easily on the shaft and turn it around . If I try to pull out the shaft, the key take is way and the shaft and the coupling made one piece. I think I have to put this key out and the shaft will be free ????

de quel coin du Québec es-tu au juste?
Joliette, mais le voilier est à St-Ours.
Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
The shaft and key are not one piece. The key should come out along the radius of the shaft once the coupling is out of the way. Try some penetrating oil like WD-40 and a few taps (don't go gorilla on it!!) with a hammer. Once the key is off you will be able to shove the shaft aft and get the parts off.
Another way to get the key off is to pry on the transmission end where the key sticks over the shaft.
turn the shaft 180 degrees from what the picture shows and use a screwdriver and hammer to drive it out where it sticks forward of the shaft
good luck
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
A very tight fit indeed. I am afraid that even removing the key is not going to help create space between the coupling and the stuffing box nut.

Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
I am afraid that even removing the key is not going to help create space between the coupling and the stuffing box nut.
if i read what he posted correctly he said the coupling would move on the shaft...if he can get the key out he then can slide the shaft back and remove the coupling and the stuffing box nut and repack
May 1, 2016
Catalina 30 Lake Champlain
if i read what he posted correctly he said the coupling would move on the shaft...if he can get the key out he then can slide the shaft back and remove the coupling and the stuffing box nut and repack
Exactly but like I said the key move easily in is way....the coupling is free around the shaft....but I cannot pull out the key, not because it is jammed there , because ( like you see on the picture) when I pull it out it is block by the transmission coupling.

We missunderstood...I put the same picture with few arrows. The red one shows the direction to pull out the key ( Remember I can move it easily in and out off is key way) the blue arrow show the key out ( the maximum I can move it out) because the transmission coupling block the key...the key there touch the coupling
Nov 7, 2012
1978 Catalina 30 Wilbur-by-the-Sea
What a mess.

Can you source a split coupler for a diesel. I know Moyer Marine sells them for A4s but the bolt pattern is different.

My suggestion is get a sawzall with a long metal blade and cut off the coupler laying the blade along the side of the shaft as a guide. I converted my boat to A4 and had to cut the coupler off. It was pretty soft and the sawzall made short work of it. Of course I had no engine or transmission in the way she I did it.

Replace with a split coupler.