Wednesday is Photo Day - 2023

Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
High surf off the coast of maui this week (Kihei side, which isn’t normally like this).

No scuba diving on the shore reefs so far…too silty from the surf…and way too rough.
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But the whales are frisky and the sunsets are as spectacular as ever.

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Evidently the individual who said: "Time waits for no man" never had a clock die...
  • Ha
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
The pessimist in me says “Damn the clock is broken.. We’ll never know what time it is.”

The optimist in me says… Oh Boy the clock is broken… At least we know it will tell the exact time twice a day… That is unless it is one of those sailor 24 clocks…
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
The pessimist in me says “Damn the clock is broken.. We’ll never know what time it is.”

The optimist in me says… Oh Boy the clock is broken… At least we know it will tell the exact time twice a day… That is unless it is one of those sailor 24 clocks…
And the optimist in me says…”It’s 5:00 somewhere”. And “who cares what time we get back”. :)



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Lake Havasu Arizona yesterday. The unusual boat is a John Wellsford Penguin 21 visiting from Oregon. Storm building made for some good pictures.. and we did get spanked by the storm somewhat LOL.



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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Another picture of the same boat (John Welsford Penguin 21) at Lake Havasu Arizona yesterday. A few boats had beach camped the night before, this is just after heading out for the sail back.
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Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
What a sexy little beast. I would be proud to own a boat like that... and could imagine doing some ghunkholling for weeks at a time.

It is a kit boat. Here is where the plans are found...

From looking at more pics, the cockpit is a little tight. I would stretch it out about two more feet and add most of that room to the cockpit.

I did a google and found these as well




SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Since the boat is still under reconstruction, I took my wife to the beach. We were blessed with 4 days of sunshine and pleasant temperatures on the Oregon coast.

We stopped to have a picnic lunch and a sip of my favorite wine.
We found a nice State Park wayside where we opened a bottle of Maison Bleue Voyageur 2019. Sipping the wine, loving the sunshine while the ocean waves crash onto the rocks one can find their own ZEN moment.

Serene with their Syrah
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
I took these shots last Tuesday. All three sailboats are on the Ashley River near Charleston South Carolina. I’m not sure what’s up with the sudden rash of abandoned sailboats. Two of the boats have a broken mast. The one with the Coast Guard sign on it had a sale dripping from the boom for a couple of days and then someone came and took the sail of of the boom. The larger of the three with a broken mast still has some good hardware on the deck, I’m surprised someone hasn’t come and “harvested” it.


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