Victoria 18' ?

Oct 8, 2018
Victoria 18 18 Hueston Woods Ohio
I just acquired a Victoria 18 1981. The bottom part of the rudder has come loose. Not sure what part is missing. Can you tell from your boat how the rudder is attached to the bottom gudgeon? I don't know how it connects. Just know that it isn't connected. Not sure if something is broken off or if the pintle is a separate piece and has come loose or if the pintle is threaded and screws up in the rod that runs along the leading edge of the rudder. The one picture shows where I have put a screwdriver and taped it to the keel so the rudder stays on top of the bottom gudgeion.
rudder 4.jpg
rudder 3.jpg
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
That rod on the leading edge is connected to the tiller and is what moves the rudder itself. There should be pins or small bolts that attach the rod to the rudder so that when ya move the tiller, the rudder moves. The attachment is probably at the bottom of the rudder so that it can be accessed for rudder removal.. Not familiar with that boat but that is what I see..

Will D

Aug 22, 2018
O'Day Daysailer Pueblo Reservoir
I see the keel is a different color. Black? Did you need to do any work on that area?


Jun 2, 2004
Neptune 24 canyon lake, tx
There is a posting on San Antonio Craigslist for a V18 rudder for sale if that helps....
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Aug 22, 2010
ODAY looking to buy Minnesota
Has anyone built a set of steps from the hatchway into the cabin? My short legs make it tough.
Nov 25, 2020
Beneteau First 235 40 Port Salerno
Hope this finds you all well.
I am in search of an owners manual for the 1981 VICTORIA 18
Does anyone have a free copy or can guide me in the direction of one, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Fair Winds!
