Ranger 23 lighting

Jan 11, 2020
Ranger 23 2 Oriental
Hi All
I'm new to the forum and need some help on lighting on my 1973 Ranger 23. I want to replace the all-round light at the top of the mast and the Masthead light with LEDs without braking the bank. Has any one done this and if so, what do you suggest as brand and where to purchase.
Best regards


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Well welcome to the SBO forum @CGCaptain . The Ranger 23 is a nice boat. You doing this project with the mast down on the hard or considering the opportunity to adventure, climbing the mast and plugging in lights while swinging in the air.

I can attest, pulling the mast and standing on the ground is a better plan.

Now for the secret about lights on sailboats. The manufacture bought one from a supplier, possibly Perko, and any previous owner may have changed it with a light from a different supplier. When you look at the light you may find that corrosion has altered the appearance and the plastic lens of the light. Here is where your desire to sprinkle baubles on your boat (I call my boat by her female name), and the bank "brake" may not be possible to accomplish. Sailboat owners often refer to this as "Break out a Boat Buck".

But I digress. You will need to identify the light fixture and the type of bulb used. Then you can look online or at a chandler for a matching bulb design i.e. need bayonet, festoon or even G4. (here is an example Marine Light Bulbs & Replacement LED Bulbs | Fisheries Supply).

Once you know the type of bulb used in your boat fixtures you can look at the SBO Shop and see if there is a match. Always good to reward the SBO shop. they have good prices and they sponsor this forum. Just a thought.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Cost/benefit ratio seems out of wack. How much do you stay overnight at anchor? You can buy a lantern to hoist up and be legal. Some say that's more safe than a light high up in the air which many boat operators would miss seeing anyway. Seems like a boat buck could go for something more useful on a Ranger 23 like an autopilot or new jib. BYW it's one of a fav boats. Proportions are perfect. If you see the boat with no way to scale it, you could think it's forty feet or twenty feet.
Jan 11, 2020
Ranger 23 2 Oriental
Thank you John and Andrew,
I will certainly be checking out the suggestion you made.

Pulling down the mast was certainly consider. I was initially having problems with replacing the spreader lights. I have a very capable and reasonably priced boat yard near by that I was about to go to to have the the mast taken down so I could do the work. As it turned out, I found and fixed my problem without the mast coming down. Now I just want to replace the fixtures. I already know that the bulbs are of the same type and manufacture. I also know that the old lenses are crazed and cloudy and really in need of replacement. So replacing both units is my plan. The boatyard I mentioned has bucket service and would be able to do the work for me in about 1/2 hour at a cost of $90/hr,,, very doable. What I am trying to find are replacement fixtures that would be able to occupy the same footprint as the old fixtures but be LED as well. I see some fixtures for over $200 and that just seems a bit costly.
Added input is greatly appreciated.
Jan 11, 2020
Ranger 23 2 Oriental
This looks to be the correct foot print for the all-round light at the top of the mast. Great price.

The masthead mounting location has a 3.5" round mounting area that is an integral part of the mast.
This seems to be a distinct possibility as a solution.

Any thoughts or advise on this is always appreciated.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I installed Aqua Signal lights on my mast. I purchased the model 25 which came with incandescent bulbs. Then I switched the bulbs to LED’s. 4 years ago that was less expensive then finding fixtures with LED’s installed. Times have changed.

Looking in SBO shop I found. Aqua Signal Series 34 LED Nav Light - All-Round, Red/Black

A google search came up with this :

I think you need to consider the type of sailing you plan to do with the boat. If you will sail extensively at night and anchor out for many multiple days perhaps the money spent on light design and promised manufacturing will be beneficial. If you need something to serve on a one or two overnight anchor events once a year or so, then the lifted battery lantern by say a “Lucy” light which is solar powered and will last for a couple of years usage is more economically frugal.

It is your boat and your choice. On a tight budget my money would go into Sails, mast fittings, etc. The things that make the boat go and keeps it safe.
Jan 11, 2020
Ranger 23 2 Oriental
Wonderful advice. I do plan on more versatile sailing and adventures in the near future that may require elevated lighting. Already invested in new motor, sails, jib furler, dyneema rigging, and a host of safety equipment(thus,,, the tight budget now,,, :) )
Thanks much
Jan 11, 2020
Ranger 23 2 Oriental
Just checked out the all-round light from Great Lakes. Quite the difference in price!!!!
Will have to do research on that.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
CG... I have no experience with the light from Great Lakes. But if you could get a "Free returns if not satisfied" offer, at that cost it might be worth testing. Certainly addresses one of your criteria - "without braking the bank"