Looking at a '85 Pearson 385

Apr 10, 2017
Seidelman 37 Kemah, TX
Are there any issues specific to that boat that I need to look at?




Jan 26, 2005
C&C 110 Bay Shore, Long Island, NY
I believe that the bilge design of the Pearson 385 is similar to that of the 365 which I am familiar with. The bilge extends to the very bottom of the keel which can make a hard grounding more troublesome than the grounding itself. The hollow area can be damaged in a grounding causing a leak or worse. Inspect that area carefully. If the boat is launched with a travel lift, or when it is supported while on the hard, make sure the slings or blocking are not in the bilge area. The laminate is too thin to support that much weight without causing damage.