Headed South

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Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
Posted about three miles off the coast of New Jersey at about 1045 at N39 41.75:

Eric, who made the Chesapeake City to Milford northbound run with me last spring arrived on the 2000 train and we decided by text just as he arrived that an immediate departure made the most sense.

I’m more than a little sleep deprived after the week long road trip and all the visiting but Eric was well rested. We were underway less than ten minutes after he stepped aboard
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I went to sleep as soon as Eric was checked out on the autopilot and woke up at the Harlem River. We had the most ethereal run past Manhattan. It was dead calm and there was no boat traffic until we passed the battery where we worked our way around a few tug / barge units and container ships. The city all lit up, looking and sounding as alive and awake as ever was an incredible sight.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
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Eric went to sleep at the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and I took us down the Ambrose Channel to where the long run down the New Jersey coast begins. Eric took over just before dawn and I slept soundly for about two and a half hours. I’m wiped but in passage mode. I made coffee and egg and Spam wraps for breakfast and then checked email.

We’re now running under power in almost non-existent wind a small waves and will assess fuel state and energy level when nearing Atlantic City.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Oct 26, 2008
Catalina 320 Barnegat, NJ
Nice day for some smooth motoring ... little course shift at Barnegat Light? Good thing you didn't have a gang of jet skiing thugs escorting your passage past the city! :naughty:
Jul 13, 2010
Precision 23 Perry Hall,Baltimore County
Roger..Annapolis boat show weekend Oct 11,12,13. Planning to visit?
Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
The trip turned into an absolute milk run. It was Strider’s favorite point of sail the whole way, flat calm and 2200 RPM.

I slept shortly after the first post and could actually sleep it was so smooth. Eric saw the dawn while I cooked breakfast and the handed up a Spam and scrambled egg wrap with coffee. I took over a bit later and we just droned on.

We made perhaps the fastest fuel stop ever done in Atlantic City. I mean, we gave that town every minute it deserves.

We did get the jib rolled out on the way to Cape May, there was just enough wind to let us keep speed while backing off 100 RPM and make us feel like it wasn’t completely a motor boat trip.

We pulled into Cape May at 2130, almost exactly 26 hours after departing Croton-on-Hudson, slept till 0300 and then headed out to catch the tide which we ran all the way up the bay and river to Delaware City where I dropped Eric off. The conditions were almost exactly as on the NJ leg.

I then ran around to Chesapeake City where I am now anchored. No firm plans yet. I’m going to catch up with friends, restore my sleep cycle, and try to get into the jellyfish cruising mode, open and close, open and close, open and close….
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
"Jellyfish cruising mode"? Will they clog the engine intake throughhull?
Mar 23, 2011
Down East Yachts Downeaster 38 040 Milford, CT
Hey Roger,

That was probably the smoothest delivery I've ever done. I caught the 25 bus into Wilmington and from there a direct train to Stamford then MTA back home to Milford by 6:00 PM. I think I slept for about 12 hours on Friday night!

I think Delaware City is a pretty good place to pick up/drop off any crew on the northeast. Too bad that the city dock is so shallow at low tide (looked to be about ~3' at low tide) because I think the town would be a pretty cool place to hang out for a day or so, before or after a trip. There is a nice little bar/restaurant right near the docks. The kind of place with dollar bills stapled all on the walls and nautical stuff everywhere. Pretty typical for a ICW hang out actually. I didn't have any food but they pour a cool Pepsi while waiting for the bus and the folks there were very friendly.

Glad you made it happily to Ches City. Will be at the boat show next weekend so if your in the neighborhood be sure to let us know.

Fair Winds,

Nov 3, 2012
Hunter 37 Legend Marathon, FL
We are doing the same trip south as you are, but a day earlier. We are now at White Rocks Marina on Rock Creek (MD). We planning on hitting the show on Friday and then once restocked heading towards Marathon, FL for the winter.
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