170 mooring cleats

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Sep 2, 2006
- - Sandusky, Ohio
I want to use a davit to lift my 170 from my yard, over the seawall into the water. Does anyone know if the 4 mooring cleats can be used for lifting or are slings required to handle the ~500 lbs?

Brian M H23


I'd say at the least, add big backing plated to them. If they are close enough to the hull-deck joint, I would think you're fine (raise it slow, dont put any shock loads on the cleats!) for a short time in the air. The joint isnt really designed for it though.


Oct 17, 2004
Tanzer 29 Jeanneau Design Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie
Hi Pat

Hi Pat, Glad to hear you got yourself a 170. We had conversed via email a few times when I had my 170 for sale. I sold mine this spring to a gentleman in Wisconsin. Now I have Precision 23 at Battery Park. Anyway, back to your question. I was told by my dealer that using the cleats is how they are instructed to lift the 170. I've done it a couple times in my shop to lift the 170 off it's trailer. Works great! There must be some serious backing there, because the cleats don't even move or flex when loaded. I can't wait to see another 170 out on the bay. JerryA


Sep 2, 2006
- - Sandusky, Ohio
Re Backing

Brain, you raise an interesting point, thanks. I hadn't given thought to the fact that the deck/hull joint might be the weak link rather than the cleat backing itself.


Sep 2, 2006
- - Sandusky, Ohio
Re: Hi Pat

Hi to you too, Jerry. Glad to hear you sold your boat and moved up to a 23. I've heard good things about the Precision. That should handle all of our bay sailing and most of our lake sailing. I stopped by Battery Park ealier this week just to llok around - I used to keep my Pacific Seacraft there when I was into bigger boats. Have a good summer of sailing. Thanks for the info about being able to use the cleats to lift the 170. Nothing like a data point that actually "tested" the question. REgards, Pat.


Sep 2, 2006
- - Sandusky, Ohio
Re: cleats and chainplates

Thanks for the input, Chuck. I like the idea of using the chainplates and especially the spreader since the plates are designed for vertical load.
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