Metal lathe in the pacific northwest

May 29, 2018
Canel 25 foot Shiogama, japan
Steve of Acorn to Arabella fits a Balmar alternator.
He sent off his measurements. received his new alternator.
The new alternator didn't fit, so he contacted the distributor.

Their response was, "We supply only one size ( between lugs) so do your best to make it fit with what you have."
My thoughts were , Why bother sending measurements at all? Or why wasn't he informed of this from the start?


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Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
Steve of Acorn to Arabella fits a Balmar alternator.
He sent off his measurements. received his new alternator.
The new alternator didn't fit, so he contacted the distributor.

Their response was, "We supply only one size ( between lugs) so do your best to make it fit with what you have."
My thoughts were , Why bother sending measurements at all? Or why wasn't he informed of this from the start?


I saw that but in Balmar's defense, the alternator worked exactly as it should have. The thing that I did fault his reseller for was not explaining how the sliding sleeve works in allowing the saddle mount to fit different widths of foot. Steve eventually figured it out, but it would have been much simpler for him it the reseller would have told him some of the tricks of the trade rather than "do our best to make it fit" which I agree ir rather lame for an item that costs as much as a balmar does. Personally, I prefer to buy alternators from automotive sources. Putting the word "marine" seems to increase the price about 250%.
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