Y25 aground and leak

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Jul 23, 2006
Yamaha 25 Hong Kong
In April my Y25 was motoring at 5 knot and it was suddenly ran aground.... after that I found water keep seeping from the shaft strut area (which is just below the companion way entry), my 6th sense tell me this is 10000% abnormal....

I installed a auto bilge pump and it help to pump ~100L water out / day.....

what should I do... the shipyard near my boat is very busy recently and cannot entertain me .

i want to DIY fix this problem, could i just haul out the boat by letting the boat stand alongside the pier and wait for low tide ?
Mar 31, 2007
- - SF Bay
100 l/day is a lot of water. If your bilge pump stops working your boat will sink. You need to get it hauled out. Maybe you can find a trailer to put your boat on. Something is not right and needs fixing.
Jun 26, 2007
Freedom F39 Lyttelton New Zealand
Henry, it would be a good idea to lean the boat against the pier between tides to look for the damage. I am not familiar with the y25 layout but I assume the strut is a bronze appendage supporting the propeller shaft just ahead of the propeller. It could be that the leak is around the bolts and it might be possible to refit and reseal this between tides. It does seem unlikely however that a leak here woyld be caused by grounding. The most likely place to be damaged would be the leading edge of the keel particularly where the leading edge joins the main hill. I once bounced a 30 foot glass on the bricks and that cracked the glass at this point. It did not leak but did need a substantial repair. In your case if you can find a crack and use some filler or underwater epoxy, you might be able to effect at least a temporary repair until you can engage the yard to lift her out. Maybe the yard would put her on a cradle for you to carry out the full repair your self.


Jun 10, 2004
S2 9.2A Winthrop, MA
You most likely cracked the hull just aft of the keel. Get yourself a dive mask and go for a swim or hire a diver to check it out for you, preferably with an underwater camera. You can likely fashion a temporary repair with some underwater epoxy. I'd lay it out on a piece of plastic wrap or wax paper with a layer of plastic wrap over it as a kind of ready formed bandage. That way you can peel off one layer under water and still have a way to control the application of the epoxy and to press it into the crack(s) without getting it everywhere. I read this in an article in Good Old Boat, where a guy accidentally drilled through his hull.
Sep 19, 2006
SCHOCK santana27' lake pleasant,az
borrow a trailer from a neighbor for a day or two post it at the marinas near by some one is always willing to help
Jul 23, 2006
Yamaha 25 Hong Kong
Thanks very much every sailors !

Since the tide for the coming 3 weeks is not favorable for me to haul out the boat, i cannot let the boat to stand alongside with the pier.

But luckily that the shipyard confirmed me to take her up in early June.... for a fixing.....
Mar 10, 2008
Yamaha 25II Aberdeen
Hi Henry,

I hope Lilly is ok. The water in Tolo Harbour is probably warm enough for a quick swim to check for major damage! You can get those epoxy putty sticks that you just mix by hand and slap in place (even underwater) from the RHKYC Ship Shop.

A friend's parents had a boat in Belgium that they would sail in the North Sea on holiday (sounds great, huh). They had to set an 0400 alarm because that was about the time enough water had leaked into the boat that the bunks were in danger of being flooded. It was his job to wade through the freezing water to the manual bilge pump and pump out the bilges and companion way. Then he'd get changed and go back to sleep.

My main worry is if I hang my hammock under my spinnaker pole and slide on in for a relaxing beverage, will I rip the track off the mast...

Anyway, who do you use for your ship repairs up on that side? I am looking at getting Grasshopper re-rigged and have been quoted at aprox 12k for new wires and fittings from RHKYC. Dragon Marine also look good, do you have any thoughts on them regarding their service quality and price?

Mate, would love to meet up again for beers and Yamaha tales, there is a few to be had (both beers and Yamaha stories) at the ABC. Let me know if you make it southside and I'll stand you a beer or two. Bring photos of Lilly!

Feb 17, 2009
Yamaha 33 Port Shelter, Hong Kong
Nigel "Mac" Macfarlane at Dragon Marine (Hebe Haven) is excellent - he's totally refitted my Y33 for me - very responsive, great quality work and hence good value for money.

Jul 23, 2006
Yamaha 25 Hong Kong
Hi BigPete,
Thankyou very much , long time no see !

Lily was fixed when i let her stand up by herself along the pier, I found a very small crack at the skeg just aft the propeller, I sanded the area, applied fibreglass and sealed it, and it really sealed !! god bless !

For the rigging replacement, I also replaced the standing rigging in early 2008 by DIY, excluding labour, I bought the material for ~HK$5000, with a lot of beer and drink with my "crews"/friends...
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