Rough cruising on a mac 26 - rough weather, sleeps

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Banegat bayer

My wife and I are only interested in weekend/week trips around the Barnegat Bay, Hudson River, and Long Island SOund. We want to only cruise, not sail. My wife has a phobia about sailing (maybe I can convince her later). We basically want to leave, visit a town, spend the night in the boat at a marina, then head to the next town. Can the Mac 26 handle rough seas (Atlantic Ocean, bay's 2-4 ft afternoons)? It sounds like it sleeps people well (only 2 of us) for weekends, how about a week on it? Can you run only using the 50hp motor only (100 mile trips), and never attach the mast? I know it's not the best thing to do, but the size of the cabin, and the price makes this look like the perfect boat....

Mr. right

get a new boat, and a new wife

get a new wife, and a new boat.

Kevin Barry


Hi, Assuming you ignored the advice from the previous post, here's my 2 cents worth. I sail out of NH, in similar conditions to those in the sound and Naragannset bay. I spent 3 hours a few weeks ago returning from a weekend trip through 6 -8 seas under motor with no problem, other than the motion. The 50 hp powered through the waves with little problem. The x sleeps two very comfortably. A week would be ok as long as you have places to go off the boat. I think it might be a little tight if you're thinking 24 hours on boat, although I could do it with my first mate. The x sails nice, and actually cuts through the chop better under sail than under power. A few sails on nice days might convert the crew! Overall, you are going to compromise over a power boat, or over a sail boat, but you cannot beat the combo. Best of luck Kevin

Dave Schiller

newboat new wife

I disagree with"Mr. Right". Regarding your wife, I'd recommend you take her down to the Offshore Sailing Schol on Captiva island, Florida. Two seasons ago my wife and I did this because she really did not like the boat heeling over. The place was great, the boats in very good condition and nicely set up for all levels of instruction, and the instructors could not be beat. I recommend them highly. The proof was when we got home on our boat. Two weeks after our return, we were out on the Potomac and my wife took over the boat and was not bothered by the 25 degree heel and building winds when a storm blew up. That is success! Since then we have done a lot of 2-3 day cruises in our area with a lot more fun. So captain, don't give up on your admiral. A week sounds like a long time. We joke that it is true love who sits to the lee on day three. But if you are marina hopping (with pools and showers) I guess it would be OK for longer. We find two on board is just fine. You can contact the school over the internet. If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck and raise the mast! dave Schiller
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