Novice Sailor and 26X

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I am some what new to sailing, I have sail limited with my father years ago. My father turned me on to the Macgregor 26x. I am really amazed about the boat and it's "Dual Purpose" and trailerably. I do want a safe boat for my family of four. I am signed up for sailing, navigation, and safety (not the least one!!) I would like to, after I have some time under my belt(two years) to sail coastal waters of Lake Superior with the Mac 26x. Does anyone have some input if this boat is possible on the 26x? Thank You, Dan

Morris Rooms

MG26X Coastal

Dan, copy of some info from another Mac board All MG26X' bought under the CE (European Recreational Craft Directive)are rated as 'C', this is from model year 99 onwards and supplied via MacGregor Yachts International (factory modified US built boats to meet directive requirements) Cheers Morris 26X99 hullaballoo UK International and national sailing associations have set : standards for sailboat usage. These groups (AYBC, CE, : NMMA, ISO, etc.) have agreed on specific performance : measures to rate a sailboat. (to help make sure people : don't do stupid things with their boats!) Boats are : rated A, B, C, D according to their maxium safety : limits (remember-A rating boats sink too!) The ratings : are as follows: A-ocean: can withstand winds over : force 8 (over 40 kts)and waves over 13 feet : B-offshore: can withstand winds up to force 8 (40 kts) : and waves up to 13 feet : C-inshore: winds to force 6 (22-27kts) and waves up to : 6.5 feet : D-sheltered waters: winds to force 4 (11-16kts) and waves : up to 1.5 feet. : Catalina 30 Mk II'S have an A rating. A Hunter 320 has a : B rating. Catalina 250 (water ballest) and Hunter 240 :

Kevin Barry

Go for it

Great advice from Morris. A sailboat that can handle the conditions of a "C" rating is pretty decent for the big lake. On the other hand, none of the other boats mentioned have the capability of powering at over 20 knots. That's the big dif with the mac x. Should things get a little bad you can quickly head for home. Great boat! Kevin
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