Come on SPRING

Jul 22, 2013
Catalina Capri 22 Mk II Salem Harbor
Yeah Baby !
Let's get this winter rolling if only to hasten the journey to warmer climes and times.
Nice looking genny, bet it'll get you to hull speed in 6 knot breeze.
Jul 22, 2013
Catalina Capri 22 Mk II Salem Harbor
Which museum ? Oh the Witch museum. I often drive by on way to my mooring; usually there's a few of Salem's witch wannabes hawking trinkets to tourists. Me, I wouldn't share any measure of grog with the silly lot. Funny, the town I live in, Danvers, was once known as Salem Village, where the witch trials took place. The 19 hangings, passing as public entertainment back then (1692), occurred in Salem proper at Proctor's Ledge. Salem is building a modest memorial there. In 1992, Danvers did a large marble monument, listing the names of the men and women tried, found guilty and executed as well as the one sorry son of a gun who died under questioning; really under as they piled stones atop his supine form asking for a confession, four days later the guy flat out died.
My last sail days in early October are adversely affected by Salem's "Haunted Happenings " as the tourists make it a slow go thru Salem to Marblehead.
Wooster with a 135 genoa
Jul 28, 2016
Hey Hershey - can't tell from the pictures, what fabric is that sail? Appears to be tri-radial cut dacron?

Is Bill James still running the show down at FX? I had some sails built for my Pearson Flyer by what was then Air-Force Sails - now FX. Bill was great to work with.


Nov 21, 2012
Catalina Capri 22
Yes a tri-radial cut using
Warp-Drive Dacron

I did not want any of the super fancy (and super $$$$) materials.
I think overall, the dacron type of material will give the best service.
And the triradial will be the best for performance.

Yes, Bill James is the person I worked with @ FX.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Holidays. Which ever one you prefer.



Nov 21, 2012
Catalina Capri 22
I have 42 F outside my window.
Cold and dreary. I have Race Committee today!
And Race Committee for our Wednesday evening race.
Is warm and sunny weather ever going to come to NY?

Happy Mother's Day to all you fine ladies who took on the toughest task in the world. Raising fine citizens.
