Water...It’s not just for sailing on

Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I Googled it. Where else where you find answers to first world problems -

Although the proper Latin plural would be fora, forum has been adopted into the English language--and in most cases follows the rules of English pluralization. Similar changes can be seen with the adoption of other words like octupus (the proper plural would be more like octopedes, but in English we usually say either octopi or octopuses).

The current entry from the Oxford Dictionary says:

The plural of forum is usually spelled forums; the plural fora (as in the original Latin) is chiefly used when talking about a public square in an ancient Roman city.

Since you're talking about online discussion boards, I would use forums instead of fora when you are talking about more than one. An English speaker might understand fora, but it wouldn't come as naturally.
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
The translate program did not offer any cute alternate language variations. :(
Jul 13, 2010
Precision 23 Perry Hall,Baltimore County
Like Peggy said elsewhere we desperately need Spring!
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
I took 2 years of Latin. AE is pronounced "eye" now we have changed it to "i", but it could be ForAE or ForUS depending on the use.

Remember you can't see the...
ForUS for the Trees!

Aye Aye Captains!

Marcus Jim...