Catalina 400 Stern Tube hump reset

Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
I have had my eye on a Catalina 400 for a while as I think about upsizing. There is one that has been listed for quite a while but it claims to need a "Stern Tube hump reset" Does anyone have a clue what this means? I'm fairly mechanically inclined but have no idea what this means. This is a link to the advertisement.

The price seems right although it might need a bit more than just TLC to put it in the water.

Thanks in advance.
May 25, 2004
Catalina 400 mkII Harbor
not sure, but the first picture shows the stuffing box, theres a witness mark were it used to be. this one looks short. may need a new dripless system.

also owners talking about changing the rudder bearings, not that big of a deal.

priced cheap. one of the first 400's #6


Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
I'm making arrangements to go see the boat in the next couple of days. I have a contact who was the adjuster that 'totalled' this boat due to an electrical fire. The current owner bought it from the insurance company but was not that forthcoming with any information other than that. Not a peep on what was up with the stern tube hump or whatever he has chosen to call it. The problem with a 'total loss' is that usually it costs more money to put it back into shape than the boat is worth even if you provide all or most of the labor. I want to sail not start another project. I will keep everyone informed how it goes.

Gene S

Nov 29, 2015
Delphia 37 Tacoma
He might mean rebuild. He might not know the proper term. C400's are nice boats. Id be concerned about the fire and make note of all the things it needs to get in shape. I didnt notice the engine. I get a kick when owners list 4 deck wenches. Works for me.
Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
I don't know if my present deck wench is going to be happy with four more. ( I'm sorry but I had to add that)
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Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
Took a look at the boat today. No odors to speak of but the cushions inside and out are done. Sails have been stored under a crappy tarp for two years so who knows. The mast was laid on it's side in such a way that the ends were unsupported and it seemed to have a pronounced bend at this point. Maybe flipping it over can fix that over time. The biggest problem was the way it was supported on a block forward of the prop strut but just aft of the stern tube exit. Checking from inside it has lifted the layers of fiberglass and separated them leaving an obvious delamination situation. The current owner simply layered some glass over where the propeller shaft tube exits and called it good. The electrical work that was done post factory was unsatisfactory. Lots of single wires with automotive/home depot type connections which explains the fire which got hot enough to delaminate the hull layers behind it. I already got an estimate to re rig (step the mast and hang the boom) of $1500 plus yard crane. That seems high to me. I'm not against doing some work to have a nice boat but the delamination and the 'quick' fix bothers me. Anyway, I'm going to get a copy of the insurance adjusters report and keep moving at least for now.

Gene S

Nov 29, 2015
Delphia 37 Tacoma
I would add up all that it needs and offer a whole lot lower than the ad lists.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Anyway, I'm going to get a copy of the insurance adjusters report and keep moving at least for now.
Yes, yes, yes.

Having been around Catalinas for going on 30+ years now, this is too big a series of issues for ANY size boat from any builder.

While we got our C22 as only a year old, we spent a year EACH to find our C25 (13 years) and C34 (since 1998). We saw some horrible examples of neglect.

This sounds just like those.

RUN. :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Do NOT look back.

Good luck, happy hunting.
Apr 11, 2012
Cataina 400 MK II Santa Cruz
I own a Catalina 400, and love the boat. It could be THE boat for you. However, this one has some problems. I went onto and found several in the $100,000 range. The one you describe needs a lot of work. Sounds like you might be better off buying one in better shape. If you look at the numbers and want to proceed with this boat, find a really good fiberglass guy and get a bid to fix the lamination issues. Get the bid to do a primo job, no cutting corners. Then get a highly qualified shipwright to bid for fixing the propulsion, mechanical and electrical problems. I think you'll find that buying a boat in better condition might make a lot more sense. If you are a really good DIY guy you can take that into account. After this due diligence, if you make an offer, make sure that you come out OK.
Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
I have already arranged to have a well qualified and highly rated shipwright to take a look at the insurance report from the adjuster and then will sit and talk to him about the structural problems. My gut is telling me that this isn't the boat for me. I have already made an appointment to look at another boat on Sunday. I'm just not into a big project and then always having that nagging feeling of "was it really done right". As a long time aircraft technician I am quite aware that structural repairs must be done right the first time. This is a case where an unqualified individual took it upon himself to attempt a 'cover it up' repair thinking it would be 'ok'. It's not. End of discussion. Unless he wants to reduce the price to a fire sale amount, a buyer who is diligent in calculating what it will cost to put this wonderful boat back into shape, will pass every time. There is a reason he hasn't sold the boat in the two years he has owned it. He is just trying to 'flip this boat'. Thank you all for the input it helped me immensely.
Feb 28, 2016
Ericson 27 Santa Barbara
You just saved me a weekend's worth of work. This boat finally came down on price enough for me to take it seriously. Such a shame she's a lemon. Oh well. Back to the grind.
Dec 28, 2010
Catalina 380 san pedro
The owner sent me an email...he came down to 62K but's only worth the salvage value.
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May 10, 2017
Macgregor 26m Alberta
I know this is a older thread but I thought I could save some people who were intreasted in the boat some time and alot of head ache. We are looking for a catalina 400 and the boat mentioned above was on our vacation route so we stopped by to look at it. NOW here is the full story on this boat hull number 6. I talked to the pervious owner he said the boat had a nav station fire and was written off . Before he bought the boat second hand it was grounded hard and was taken back to catalina and keel was repaired by them. He bought it from catalina sailed it until the nav fire. Boat was then put on hard by I'm assuming the cheapest boat movers in town. They did not know how to block it and use a semi trailer that's half assed for boat moving. We looked at it on a rainy day and every hatch was leaking. But what concerned me more was the keel area has cracking and the prop tube that was cracked and fiber glassed over. Then there's a stringer on the port side under aft bed that is popped off from the hull due to improper supporting. We figured even if we bought the boat for 30,000 If we put in 50,000 it would maybe be on par with some of the others that are being sold for around 90,000.