Commissioning tasks and ongoing improvements of a 83 Cat 22 from trailer to saltwatercamper

Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
This one has a hard inflatable floor you can stand on to cast, and if you step in it from the boat you don't bounce off the floor and into the drink.
Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
Drop us a little hint from time to time on how it's holding up, will you? We have an old Avon Redcrest of unknown age, great inflatable in it's day, but we have to decide if we want to take it to the eastern Caribbean in 2020, or get a preemptive replacement. Looking at Achilles right now.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
It worked well on NGCC 2017 cruise, tows nicely no real drag, took only few minutes to hose it down and deflate and put in bag when I got back. Moves along nicely with oars but may invest in trolling motor of something in future. Just a hassle having to get it registered, numbered and pay taxes on it if I motorize.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Also I got bored over a rainy weekend and decided to buy a folding grapnel anchor for the dinghy and then had to make a bag for it that I could attach to the dinghy side ropes and not loose in transit, results below
Grapnel case for dinghy (4).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (1).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (2).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (3).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (4).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (1).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (2).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (3).jpg
Grapnel case for dinghy (4).jpg
Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
I'm diggin on that little bag. Very clever!

I need to get a sewing machine and learn how to use it.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
You should splice that three strand line onto the anchor with a galvanized thimble. The splice will prevent the knot from getting hung up on stuff and the thimble will prevent chafe on the eye of the line. A three strand splice is fairly easy and you don't really need Fids to accomplish it, a ball point pen will suffice.
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Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Yep its one of those carry on board little projects that I do when I anchor out early and have spare time and daylight.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
One handy mod although time consuming cutting through stainless was to put an intermediate stop in the motor mount lowering gear to put the motor low but not dunk the motor board itself. So I added a notch by drilling a hole after making cardboard template and rounding it out with a file and dremel.
Add extra slot to motormount.JPG
Add extra slot to motormount (1).JPG
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
A little project while noodling around on the boat between sailings! Reduce the glare and heat in the cabin during hot bright summer days with solar film inside cabin windows. You can see the difference in two windows in the annotated pic


May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
....where's the rum?!!

...lookin good Jacktar....question what do you use for water tank to that sink pump? I need to find something suitable...
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Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
The water tank is built in to the galley itself. It is located along the back of the galley behind the stove area, connects to pump with a plastic tube. Sink emptys through a tube that goes to the funnel and connection to cockpit scuppers under the galley location in the settee. PS rum is well hidden but accessible by captain as needed. See nook and cranny pix below
May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
Good, often wondered how that sliding factory sliding galley drained. I have the funnel on my 84, no factory galley, installed one forward (in another post), drain t'd to forward scuppers as your is, need to pick up a water tank/bladder of some sort to hook up in bow...thx for the pic....
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Sure any time, BTW i spent an afternoon with my camera taking pix inside of the nooks and crannies of the Cat 22 even where I could not get my head in to see. Check back if you want to know what is beyond your view or reach.
Jul 18, 2017
Catalina 22 Guntersville AL
Greetings, I am a newbie here and new to the Catalina family. Just upgraded to a 22 hull #6832 it is a 1977 and fairly well cared for. I just read your whole thread and found that I have many of the same things on my list to do. My first challenge and maybe the most intimidating is putting it on stands from the trailer - still sorting that one out, we don't have access to forks like that. I wanted to say thanks for your efforts documenting your journey.
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Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Trailer to stands is tricky, I did it once with my Luger 21 which was also a swing keel. I actually used a pair of 2 x 6 across the stern wider than the trailer and same just forward of the swing keel. Then had to differentially crank up the end of each a few inches at a time until I could extract the trailer and put up the stands. Before that I was lucky and had slings for a pair of davits on my dock. This was before film so can't find the clay tablet I did my notes on. That boat was a kit boat built in 1975 and retired 35 years later. Stay in touch, I have pix not posted showing the intermediate steps in some of the things I had to do.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Pclarksurf .... I not only scared the neighbors but the dog and myself. Whenever I would add a few inches to one beam and the creaking would begin then subside my heart would pound and the dog whine!
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Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
@Jacktar offloading the boat to the stands was one task that I was dreading until I got the routine down. Huge sigh of relief to have a viable system that works for your environment. The boat comes off again this weekend for final keel install and some trailer work thinking I might put the gopro up and capture the process for anyone's future reference.
Aug 19, 2016
Catalina 22 Elkton Va
I'm lucky enough to have a vehicle lift in my shop. Works great. Doesn't get high enough to let the keel all the way down but good enough.

It lifts about a foot higher than that. I was rebuilding my trailer in that pic. Had rollers and I put bunks on it.
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