this is not the March I ordered!

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This morning when I woke up it was below zero. I have higher expectations of March than this. I WANT MARCH TO KNOW THAT I AM VERY DISSAPOINTED. In this part of the universe we say that March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. This year it has come in like a popcicle, hopefully it will go out like a french fry. Of course, If I start at my house and drive due south it can come in like a Wolverine and go out like a Bugeye (pardon me, I mean Buckeye, a bit of geographical bias slipping in). I don't care how it comes in and goes out, I am hoping that by April fool's day I can no longer walk across the lake. This dopey post brought to you courtesy of cabin fever. john
Dec 13, 2005
Catalina 250 Clear Lake, Texas
Your missing it!

Its 75 today and full sun. The winds are from the SE at 5-10kts..........aj

bob G.

Warmer in Columbus

It"s not really much warmer there, just feels that way when you beat Michigan for the third year in a row.


sure, go ahead, bask in the glow

Man, do we miss Cooper around here! john
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Southern Snow?

Hey Rich, most of the snow we got this winter came from the South !!! In fact you got more snow "down there" than we did up north, which sucks for skiing. Hey gotta do something in the winter.
Mar 21, 2004
Hunter 356 Cobb Island, MD
Joan just called me from San Juan,PR

She is on curise with her sisters and the temparture is 83 degs. I told her we woke up to 10degs with forcast of possible 3 inches of snow on Wed. I'm married for this kind of abuse??? Jim S/V Java
Jul 20, 2005
Whitby 55 Kemah, Tx
It's ok here

I'm filling the water tank right now for a short trip to Corpus Christi (175 miles). Sunny, in the 70s, winds about 10 knots all week and seas only 2 feet.

bob G.


We'll send Copper up to you, Loyd looks like he could use some time where its warm, maybe Passedena, oh he tried that,sorry
Jan 2, 2005
Hunter 35.5 Legend Lake Travis-Austin,TX

YOU LIVE IN MICHIGAN!!! Sailed Saturday with 70 degrees and 5-10 knts. Will sail Fri. and/or Sat. this weekend with 74-75 degrees and 5-15 knts. Move the boat Monday 50 miles down the coast for the first bottom job in over 4 years, back in the slip by Friday. It's definitely spring down here. Oh yeah, don't tell anyone...


I'm on my way

St. Andrew's Bay, as in Panama City? I'll be there in (check's mapquest) about 23 hours! No, wait, it will take longer than that because the boat is laid up under a load of snow. Not even sure I could drive the car back there to get it. Then the mast and boom are hanging from my garage ceiling and the sails are stored in huge plastic bins. The tiller assembly is on a shelf . . . Oh, heck with it, it would take me so long to get ready that I might as well wait for spring! One of these years I am going to trailer down your way and sail in the winter! john


Jun 10, 2005
Hunter 146 Candlewood Lake, CT
Nice hat Rich...

Northern neighbors?? I thought New England was already pretty far north... I'm icebound too, plus it's not till midspring that the level of the lake is brought back up to dock or ramp level... Hey Rich... Where'd you get that cool hat? Hubby got one of those a million years ago at Eastern Mountain Sports, and can't find another like it...
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
Hat talk- I use it to drive my camel.....

when I'm not sailing. Seriously, I picked it up at some boat store- can't remember where. I like it for keeping the sun off my neck on morning westward passages and afternoon eastward runs. BTW, since you are from Lake Candlewood, are you in the Lake Candlewood Power Squadron? I'm in Berkshire Sail & Power Squadron, same District 2. I get copies of The Waterlog as I am editor of our own publication, Berkshire Log.


Jun 10, 2005
Hunter 146 Candlewood Lake, CT
Candlewood Power Squadrom

No, not yet in the Power you recommend it? I was thinking about volunteering with the Lake Authority, the group of 5 towns around the lake that manage the shoreline, organize cleanups, education, etc.. Do you know any of the folks there? Berkshire - as in southwestern Mass? Do you drive from across CT from Bristol to Great Barrington? My stepdaughter is just finishing up her last year at Roger Williams. Dorm rooms with a water view - real life is gonna be a rude awalening!
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
Highly recommend Power Squadron membership

The educational courses that are available to members are second to none. And the social opportunities to meet and talk with other boaters that are interested in the same kind of boating as you are is great. I do know some of the Lake Candlewood members from meeting them at district meetings. Yes, I drive from Pittsfield (north of Gt. Barrington) to Bristol, RI every week to sail. Nearly a three hour ride, but that's where the good water is.
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