OUCH!! Gong to need some help on this one.....

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Oct 2, 2006
Hunter 170 Kentucky
Hey all you APC repair guru's! While out sailing today I did some major damage to my 170. As I started the motor to work my way back to the dock, the engine ripped the motor mount off the boat and tore a good sized hole in the transom. Please look at the pictures and offer up any suggestions. Dale, If you could give me a hand on this one it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tim
Jun 3, 2004
Seaward 24 Indianapolis
what size motor were you using?

what was the motor size you had on the boat? There have been a few posts recently about going larger than the specified limit.



I know this doesnt help and I have no information about the APC boats but I would call Hunter. If the boat is rated for a 2hp and that is what you were using, there are some major design problems with your boat. Tim



Ya I love to help can you send me some digital pics of it. How thich the plywood WAS do you still have everything that came out including your motor? People out there dont recomend the trolling motor on these boats but a trolling motor (at least a big trolling motor) moves the boat along nicely, so what you have to deal with a battery theres not much power there and still nice speed. Call me. Ill be at POYC probably July 1 through the 5 we will see what we can do. its still usable I havent use a motor in a year well you was there when we got togather at the club both 170s
Oct 2, 2006
Hunter 170 Kentucky
Thanks, Dale

Dale, Yeah, I still have the motor. I had it tied off to the aft cleat like I always do. I do not have the piece of wood that came out of the boat. It was in pieces and I just threw it away. I can measure the depth of the hole it was in and that will give a good idea of how thick it needs to be. I'll meet you down at POYC during the week of July 1 - 5 (don't know what day(s) yet, but I'll let you know.) and we'll see what we can do.
Jun 3, 2004
Seaward 24 Indianapolis
2hp only

With the damage done I was expecting the motor to be WAY oversized......the old 15hp from my old fishing boat situation. I'd contact Hunter on this one. A 2hp shouldn't tear out the motor mount. Ken


2 Hp

Well I know for sure it was a 2 hp motor. So I know it tore out the back of his boat.
Oct 2, 2006
Hunter 170 Kentucky
Yes....most of it.

Dale, I think I have most of it. I have not fit it back together to see if it is all there.
Oct 2, 2006
Hunter 170 Kentucky
Tonight between 7:45 and 9:30

Dale, I have a Martial Arts class tonight from 6 to 7 and it takes me about 40 minutes to get from class to home. Call me around 7:45 on my home number. Tim



I'm assuming it busted off while trying to start your engine? I need to start securing my motor to the aft cleat as you mentioned. Out of curiousity, are you just using a line to secure your motor to the cleat, how do you keep from getting it in the way/caught up, etc.? Had you not secured that motor, it would have been double trouble for you having to fix/replace both. Good thinking.
Oct 2, 2006
Hunter 170 Kentucky
Line ran to aft cleat

Jon, I run a line from the aft cleat through the loops on the mount of the motor and then back to the same cleat. I have a line that I use that I have cut to the proper length so that it does not dangle. Yes, the motor and the mount ripped off shortly after I started the engine. It then fell into the water, then jumped up into the boat. At that point I jerked the kill switch and stopped the motor. Like most situations like this one, I was not scared until it was over and I was working my way back to the dock. I looked over at my daughter sitting less than 2 feet from the motor and all the "What ifs..." started going through my head. Then I got scared. Securing it to the aft cleat saved my motor on this day. We were in about 40 feet of water and with out the line it would have quickly sank.
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