A couple of data ideas?

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Paul Akers

A couple of helpful items of data to post along with the writer's name (which is changable) may be: 1. Writer's home port/cruising area (to give readers a sense of the type of cruising the writer does). 2. Writer's boat type/size (in case the writer forgets to identify it) for reference.

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
I'm a little reluctant

...to add too much stuff to the posting form. The boat model is required, and while I agree that the cruising area is important, I wouldn't want to see thr form turn into a survey. I could be talked out of that position if enough people feel stronlg yabout it, however. p.

Paul Akers

I understand...

... about turning the forum into a survey and I do agree. What if, instead of home port, expand it to a region (e.g. New England, NY/NJ, Chessie, etc.). When offering advice on different topics, this would help some of us determine how long the boat sits in the water during the year, what type of weather or winds are encountered or what types of vegitation/sea life might clog an intake. Any other suggestions?

Bob E.

Sailing region useful

I agree that the sailing region would add useful information to many posts. This could be done as a drop-down menu that wouldn't add too much inconvenience for people posting messages. (Don't forget the Great Lakes!)
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