Buying new 150 RF genoa; rope luff or not?

Jul 5, 2005
Beneteau 361 Sandusky Harbor Marina
Hi all, I'm helping a friend buy a new 150 RF genoa. The quote has as an option for either a foam luff padding or rope luff padding. It is my understanding that the purpose of this padding is to help a partially furled headsail maintain at least some beneficial shape. Is this true?

He wants to stay with a 150, rather than a smaller genoa, as we race in a lot of light air in the summer months. Of course we do have races in which we have to furl the big genoa.

He wants to stay with a roller furling genoa because he likes the convenience when he is out pleasure cruising on the weekends with his friends.

Also, I've experienced personally how foam padding molds, and was told rope padding doesnt' mold as much.

Can anyone confirm the benefits of the luff padding? Thanks for any help!
Jun 8, 2004
Catalina 320 Dana Point
Actually I have not seen a new sail with luff pads in my area for years, wasn't even sure they still did that. It's supposed to reduce the bagging that occurs in the center of the sail when partially furled.
Oct 25, 2011
Island Packet IP31 Lake St. Louis, Montreal
On our previous boat, we had a foam luff pad and it did improve the furled shape quite a bit over a sail with no padding. I cannot comment on whether foam or rope padding is superior. Your sail maker should be able to advise you on that


Jul 5, 2005
Beneteau 361 Sandusky Harbor Marina
Thanks guys. I wanted to take the sail maker's word with a grain of salt. While I have no reason to question his integrity, I still intrinsically am cynical about sales people.