Repairing Hunter 40 damage from Hurricane Matthew

Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
Have you checked the max length of time that the hard bottom paint you are using can be out of the water before it needs to be reactivated? I use Pettit Trinidad here in the PNW and get 8-9 years of protection before I start getting a few barnacles growing on the keel. It can be left on the hard for up to 60 days after painting but once it is launched, it can only be on the hard for a maximum of 72 hours before it loses effectiveness. Longer than that and it will need to be lightly sanded to expose fresh copper.
Mar 8, 2019
ODay 322 Bodkin Creek, Chesapeake Bay
New to your thread and just wanted to give you props and words of encouragement! While I and probably most others would have written the boat off and moved on, what you have done looks fantastic.
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May 8, 2013
Hunter 40 Dataw Island, SC
A long overdue update! Part 1:

Merry Christmas guys & gals! As we sit here in the otherwise genteel south, where temps are moderate except for the last few days - we are freezing our tushies off! In fact we moved on shore for a few days as the winds have made life tied to the dock pretty sporty :yikes:.

I have but one excuse for not posting an update for the last month (two months?). I have been absolutely buried neck deep in my newest project. More on that soon ;). My remaining boat projects are on hold until spring since they consist of mainly work topsides, and I have not had consistent enough weather to a. motivate myself to start, and b. actually start the project, before the weather turns sour. that said, the boat is doing great, no problems other than a balky heating element that required galley disassemble to replace.

Now for plans moving forward. This might take a while so sit back, open your favorite adult beverage, and hang on:

As most of you know my long term goal was (and external conditions permitting) still is to take the boat to the central Pacific, headquartering in the Marshall Islands, for a leisurely extended session of boozing and croozing. Unfortunately short term priorities have shelved that plan indefinitely. Again, as most of you know, after my MIL died and we moved my FIL here, his condition has put a huge damper on our mobility. Any trip longer than a few days is out of the question so even local area cruising is off the table.

Ok, so deal with it - and deal with it I have. Knowing myself as well as I do, I do not handle idle time well. You guys have probably guessed that by now!:biggrin: Now that the boat is mostly finished I have been finding myself with more and more free time and about a year ago I started formulating a plan on how to keep busy. When I first started the boat rebuild years ago I toyed with the idea of starting a Youtube channel, but nixed that because I was still working then. I couldn't guarantee consistent content - and my research on Youtube showed that inconsistency is a great way to kill a channel.

So I missed the first opportunity to start the channel with my boat, but why not try with a new boat? I asked around, talked the idea up with the marina folks here and got very positive responses. the idea was to find a derelict boat - you know the type, one that has sat for years, neglected, abandoned, the type that you should don a hazmat suit to enter! I would find it, fix it up, customize it, do my thing to it, all to generate a following on Youtube with the hopes of monetizing the channel. Kill two birds with one stone by keeping busy and financing the project through the channel.

The more I researched, the more it looked like it would work. I even found a few boats locally that would fit the bill perfectly. All seemed to be right on track, until, of course, the project got derailed! I had been negotiating with the powers that be at the marina, all were on board and it looked like a go until the island marina committee was notified. then a little known clause in the community covenants brought everything to a screeching halt :yikes:. I had to put all my eggs in this yards' basket since there is no place else within two hours where I could do what i needed, and that basket collapsed. Bummer:(.

Ok, now what? There is a Plan B, which I have been working feverously on for the past few months and it is a go! There will be a Youtube channel (coming soon, not quite ready to go live just yet) but it may not be what you expect. ;)

Stay tuned for part 2 and I'll lay it all out!


Oct 29, 2016
Hunter 41 DS Port Huron
So what vehicle are you thinking about redoing? Corvette? build a kit? I know what ever you decide it will be a top notch project to watch develop
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May 8, 2013
Hunter 40 Dataw Island, SC
A long overdue update, Part 2:

So with the boat restoration Youtube channel on ice, I had to regroup and come up with something else. In the process I discovered something - based on my research about how a YT channel is monetized, most of it is tied to number of subscribers and watched hours. There is more to it but that forms the basis.

I also did some critical analysis of things that a person usually doesn't think of, like production quality, on-screen presence, etc. What I discovered was that the well produced, well edited, really good flowing videos where the topic was rebuilding, restoring or otherwise fixing boats generally had XXX (not gonna use actual numbers here, don't want to embarrass anyone) subscribers and each video had XXX views. These were not the top guys like Leo with TallyHo, just the average but good ones. The poorly produced channels faired, as you can guess, quite a bit worse.

But I watch more on YT than just sailing stuff. I also have a (much longer) love affair with all things automotive. And truth be told, most of my mechanical and FG skills came from my automotive background. I did the same analysis comparing the automotive and hotrod building channels against the sailing ones and, lo and behold, the really poor automotive channels had 2 to 3 or more times the subscribers and views vs. the good sailboat channels! And the well produced automotive channels blew them out of the water! It's all about the numbers - more people interested in cars than boats. Sorry for that revelation, gents :yikes:.

So, Plan B: I took a long look at whether I could realistically fund a good size shop, equip it, and run a series of projects through it for the next two years minimum with no, then minimal income until the YT ad revenues kick in (there are other sources as well but I left them out for this discussion). Then i decided, screw it, I'm doing it anyway because I'm excited about the whole idea! I get to do a lot of projects I've always wanted to try but never had the time or opportunity. YeeHaw!!

So I rented a shop (about 1000 sq. ft.). I've been like a kid in a candy store buying equipment I've only dreamed about having before (but not going whole hog yet, some things will have to wait :)), and acquiring project vehicles to get started. Got three lined up already - one I bought, the other two belong to friends that have been sitting in their respective garages for years and need some serious TLC to get back on the road. None will be hack-jobs, you guys know me better than that, all will be frame-off, full treatment builds or custom jobs. And I've got a few hair-brain ideas brewing as well, just to have some fun!

The shop is not quite ready yet, probably a few more weeks before it's finished, but after that it's full-tilt, welding sparks flying good old fashioned sheet metal fab, painting, engine building and hot-rodding. I'll need a few weeks after that to build some content so the channel should be live around the end of January. I do have the channel name reserved but still working on the web site and other social media so I'll pass that along soon when things are a bit closer.

So, does this mean the boat days ore over? Not by a long shot! I'll still be working on the boat, though updates here will naturally slow down considerably for a while. Who knows, the owner of the property where the shop is has offered to build me a spot on site to do boat builds, but since I haven't perfected cloning, that might have to wait ;). Unless one of you guys has some spare time?

More to come,


Oh, and the next Corvette will happen, just not one of the first ones!
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Likes: Daddio862
May 8, 2013
Hunter 40 Dataw Island, SC
I think you should build an airplane, since you already have the pilots license.
There is an old saying (confession, I might have inventing it:biggrin:) that goes "If you own a sports car, a boat and an airplane, you are certifiably insane!" I've got two of three, don't want to flirt too close to disaster!

I did have the opportunity to acquire an airplane project a few years ago and decided that was the quickest way to bankruptcy known to man. Walked away. Actually ran very fast!


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Congrats Mike.

If you are no longer flying, it is almost like retirement. Might as well so something you find exciting.
more people interested in cars than boats.
This is a no brainer. Boat owners are a small but passionate group. I think that most sailing video's get viewed due to click bait.

i decided, screw it, I'm doing it anyway because I'm excited about the whole idea!
Good for you. I will be wondering what is he going to do, and looking forward to watching.
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Mar 4, 2019
Hunter 40.5 Baja
That's exciting! I just started a YouTube channel with no expectations, and indeed it is a lot of work despite my videos *not* being well produced (at this time I'm just using old footage before I knew I'd be doing it). But yeah, not having a full time job would make it truly possible.

I have seen the same things as you wrt trends; sailing is just a small niche in our culture. Automotive/rv/adventure I think is much bigger. I bet many of those folks wouldn't mind a bit of sailing/rebuild content in there though! Good luck and curious to see your content!
May 9, 2020
Hunter Legend 37 Harrison Twp, MI
Too bad the boat channel didn't come together... this is a little far away, but looks like it would have been a perfect candidate for your interior magic... on a boat that would be $300k+ put together correctly. And we all know you'd put it together correctly!

Then again, boats are money pits... so cars are probably better... ;)

1992 Swan 55ft
May 9, 2020
Hunter Legend 37 Harrison Twp, MI
@B757Captain - if only the boat channel worked... another great one for you! $16Million original spent to build... galley fire, needs interior! $200k minimum bid, room to make a good return.

Anyway... sorry Mark, it's fun to dream of spending someone else's money/time/future! Imagine the car show path will be equally amazing!

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Likes: Will Gilmore
May 8, 2013
Hunter 40 Dataw Island, SC
Long awaited update - Pt. 3:

Hey guys! The Youtube channel is live! At the risk of violating some kind of forum rule against self-promotion, here's the link:

Let me know if the link works - it's supposed to go directly to the channel but I'm still learning my way around how YT does there URLs.

If you do watch, tell me what you think. Good or bad! I know the first few might be cringe-worthy but the faster I get better the better I can do!

Nothing new to report on the boat - it has been remarkably zero maintenance over the last few months. Topsides are filthy but pollen season just kicked in here so a wash one day will be indistinguishable from the pollen blanket the next.


Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
Worked well. Interesting videos. I'll be following. You interested in taking on a 1985 Mercedes Benz 380SL as one of your projects? I'm local to you.
Oct 29, 2016
Hunter 41 DS Port Huron

I watched a couple of the first episodes of your new adventure and have a couple of comments
1- You need to clean up the shop to allow for wider views of the firebird while restoring
2- I think that you should have shirts or coveralls madeup with your Maverick Mods logo and wear them while filming

Nice reproduciton quality
